Imposter site for Troypoint for those who follow him

by NoPopcornWithThat

best buy Iptv has impostered many brands

that’s dirty and not necessary to build a business

We will continue to out imposters like Best Buy Iptv and SSTV who goes by a number of rebrands and falsely directs customers to their site saying they are a sister service to another well known brand


The domain is currently parked with a for sale sign on it. However yes I have also heard that Best Buy IPTV was cloning sites. Its a shame. They were also ousted for scamming customers by using their Customers ID's and CC info. I'm not quite sure why any person would send a copy of their ID to a IPTV Service.

And SSTV has taken on a couple new names in the last couple days.


I am a former bestbuy customer. I ordered 1 month and they charged me for 3. When it expired they bugged me to reorder. No thanks!


I tried a 24 hour trial with Bestbuy. Not impressed. I'll stay away for sure.


Thanks for the heads up!


The original TROYPOINT must not be on the ball with what services he promotes.

Falcon TV, the #2 Best Provider on his website this month has the same contact information leading to the imposter TROYPOINT's email information. DUH!

Did someone just not do any type of investigating the services he vouches for or is it just a bullshit story? Thanks for attending my Ted Talk..