Streamsflix canceled my account and no refund

by abrahamgrosswasser


make the story short , am so mad , am so frustrated ! been with streamsflix for months now , paying a monthly sub so far so good no major issues until one day they announced on every account they have even there official twitter that now dedicated servers are available for brasil users , the announcements were top of every page , for my curiosity i checked them and noticed that prices on the brasilian site is much cheaper than the other sites they own which is in EUR .

for example 1 months in EUR cost 15 EUR while on the brasilian site its 30 R$ ( brasilian Real ) so in EUR it is just 5 EUR !!!! due to inflation in brasil ! so what i did is got a 1 year SUB directly from there brasilian site which only cost me 47 EUR * 1 year * which cost on there other site 100 EUR

everything was announced on there official platforms , so it was obvious that i did not do anything under the table screenshot :

after around 20 days i got my account canceled , i contacted them they only response i get that am not located in brasil so my account is canceled ! i sent them a huge text that if this was not ok with them then they should have not accepted the payment from a location our side brasil and bla bla bla .... but nothing ! at the end i asked for a refund ! or at least i pay the difference in EUR to get my old account back but never got back from them !

if they do not allow people out side brasil to get the brasilian prices then why they announce it on other than brasilian platform and why they do not block ips from outside brasil ! from my point of view i did nothing wrong and i need my money or my account back !


You intentionally went around the system. What did you expect? Seems pretty obvious that this move is in bad taste.


Dude, you tried to game the system, and judging by the fact that you even went as far as to buy a Brazilian credit card to do so, I am guessing you are the kind of person that does things like this on the regular. No offense, but it just sounds to me like the Gamer just got gamed 🤷‍♂️


if you are trying to be smart on them they will be smarter , dude these guys run away from the fbi , you think they will let you pay less ? if you want to be smart at least use a vpn and try to show them you are at least knowing what you are doing , and am not sure if the vpn will help you in this case !


Never buy yearly subs from anyone. They go belly up and your money is gone. No money back, no refund , not even a goodbye.


So you lost 50 bucks. Move on. It’s not life ending.


I think hey should give you your money back but if its for Brasil only customers I get them cancelling the account. There could be tax or other costs they have / don't have depending on where you are. They likely have a local set of servers in Europe for European customers and have higher costs for it there.


Moral of the story: 1)Don't buy yearly subs (been said here a million times 2)You win some, you lose some


This is why you only pay what you can afford to lose.


Caveat emptor dude.


Did you pay with credit card. Than you can get your money back.