IPTV from Aliexpress seller: be warned!

by freaky33

If you take an IPTV subscription from alieexpress, look out for the following seller: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/911777300?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.34844c4dLfXrLl Poor quality IPTV with a lot of buffering, channels that don't work . I wanted to ask for my money back, but I didn't get it. I indicated as best I could what was going on, but I did not get my 15 euros back. So be warned!


Aliexpress, lol. What did you expect?


Thanks for the warning!


They're all hit and miss I usually buy 2 full year ones as a back up and some are good without any buffering others are complete shit!


Ask them to send a trial first. Most of them will send you a trial.


Yeahiptv service still not working, customer support will not help they may have stopped my service it worked for 2 days and now nothing. when I contacted service that replied to me with my reddit post. No matter what I paid for this service and it stopped working. Stay away from these guys, I am going to report them to coinbase.


Looks like that store is now empty.