
by iptvreviews408

Be careful when using any url related to 9liveshosting.tk. They have many services and will take your money then run. They'll pop up again with a different rebranded name. The worst part is they have business with a lot people that know this,but they let it slide because they are profiting from it as well. Just be careful when dealing with 9liveshosting.tk.


I’ve used 9lives for year now not one issue, guess it’s just bad resellers


Thanks for your warning, stay away from all bad IPTV


I have sub few months back and its great, no problem but the last month it start buffer and scene repeating so I don't extend another month


Not surprising. .TK, .ML, .GA, .CF, and .GQ domains are all offered for free by Freenom, so they are ripe for abuse.


They keep changing xtream code url