Roy from california.. avoid at all costs

by 66betterthan99

Royal tv Socal tv Lazy boy tv Hell boy tv

+1 (760) 486-9277

Guy sells me 2000 credits... and because I don’t use them fast enough, shuts off my panel

Constantly changing the value of credits....

He ripped off so many people

Shut off my panel with 700 credits left, and claims I made a deal where I had to buy every 6 months (no such deal). Claims I told him I was a huge reseller (didn’t)



mine gave me a month, and reminds me every 15 days. it's a hassle but not uncommon


This is horrible. I'v never had a supplier that bugs me about how fast I use the credits... As long as you pay for the credits they never care. - Sad to hear that suppliers are scamming people like this. This business it's hard as it is...


Same thing. Please avoid! If you don’t use your credits fast enough he will shut your panel off. Stay away



If he's an absolute plonker, report him to the 5.0 🤣🤣


Why the fuck would you buy 2000 credits? Did it to yourself


Bit like complaining your crack dealer ripped you off. IPTV is illegal. Anybody you buy from is a criminal. Criminals do criminal stuff.