Time to put this out there openly. Over the last couple years numerous IPTV providers were hacked by someone exploiting the WHMCS billing module. Some major providers paid up to $70k USD to the hacker and some of these exploits were covered on Torrent Freak. The hacker has probably hit at least 50 smaller iptv providers, maybe more, that’s only the ones we know of, always asking for Bitcoin as a ransom. He usually caused some malicious damage by fucking up something on their sites so people paid him. He appeared to take a break from the scene until a few months ago.
Hacker had the perfect cyber extortion scheme going, targeting those that were reluctant to go to the authorities, and he could see exactly what they were making per month in the billing module.
Over the last few months the hacker has reappeared. Details on the hacker that are known:
He is not a native English speaker tho he writes English well enough.
He likes Bitcoin but doesn’t realize that these transactions can be traced if someone wants to trace them badly enough.
He knows the iptv business and has inside info that most wouldn’t.
He is messing with people who will eventually find him because of his sloppy mistakes and greed.
But here is the most important thing you should be aware of. He knows smarters better than many. Ask yourself why.
The mod team has seen substantial evidence that points to this hacker being someone involved with Smarters, possibly on their staff, or related in some way to their operation. Seems to be a strong connection. We are NOT accusing Smarters, but we urge you to use CAUTION if dealing with them especially if it involves server access. Don’t ever provide them passwords to your servers for any reason. He will know.
Don’t pay the hacker if he hacks your site cuz it won’t do you any good. He has hit many people several times. Comes back for more, too. Its no guarantee that he won’t leak your info if you pay him.
Take every precaution if you are in the iptv business. We have chosen not to post the evidence because much of it contains sensitive info, but if the hacker continues, we’ll consider doing so if the providers agree. At some point you have to take a stand against cyber terrorists. Don’t pay this asshole if he hits you.
BTW he can hack the newest WHMCS version if you give smarters any server passwords. You were warned.
Thank you for posting this. I really hope the hacker gets caught.