Average Ed's Tech on YouTube

by Glass-Condition-9538

Half of the IPTV services he reviews, he is part owner of, although he never discloses this information to the public. Shady.


And many review websites (but not all) also get kickbacks, affiliate income or have a vested interest in their products or services too. Don’t know why people are surprised when They find out the info is biased. Other youTubers have ownership or affiliates with iptvs they recommend as well or get paid to do the review etc. Can think of 10 without even trying


IMO I think this one is especially shady because he claims to be "just your average guy" reviewing services and claiming to save money while doing it, and all the time raking it in. At least with some of the other YouTube reviewers getting paid to do reviews, they don't pretend so heavily to be something they are clearly not.


True, they all have nearly the same caracteristics: same price, the app they use they look very similar, more or less the same number of channels etc etc.

This happens with a lot of reviews channels of iptv you can find on youtube.


BigCig4 seems to be the most honest reviewer I've come across on YouTube.


These reviews are the downfall of iptv! Who the fuck would actually want to advertise on youtube?


Nothing shady they are in it to make $$.