Gravity/Boom Stay Away

by OneTim391

Just wanted to leave a quick review, of Gravity or Boom and more so of the keyboard warrior that runs it Jakkal, 1st off his services are below sub par at best. Gravity has been down now for awhile with really no updates and Boom only offers a 1 hour trial! Him and his ball sucking minions seem to think a 1 hour trial is sufficient :/ you can't even watch a movie let alone test out the channel properly!

Jakkal on the other hand is a keyboard warrior that power trips if you argue or disagree with, clearly he is a young kid that doesnt understand how to run anything properly. Anyways do yourself a favor and stay away from this clown and his lack luster services!


Thanks for the heads up. A lot of resellers don't think customer service is important or that they're doing everyone a favour by giving them a "sweet deal". Find a new provider and cut your losses. There are tons of good ones out there.


Oh yes. I second that. His rates are cheap but not worth it.


sounds like a Jakkoff


It’s only iptv. So Calm TF down on these responses. No name calling.


There are loads of other re-sellers of Boom aside from this Jackoff guy.

It's a pretty good service, fairly reliable with a decent spread of UK and US channels.


I've been using his services for about a year now, i can say he is casual in his conversation but he doesn't suffer annoying gits or people that don't realise that iptv providers arent selling official sources so feeds and customer service can be limited.

He doesn't run gravity or boom, he is just reselling them

I have issues with gravity and won't buy it again. Boom on the hand is fairly reliable i will recommend.


I'm using boom through Jakkal, it's pretty much always up, and I have a backup which is also usually up. Here in Canada cable costs upwards of 50-75/month for decent streaming thru the cable companies. For a sixth of that cost I get service that isn't guaranteed to be up (but it usually is) that's the deal you are making.

With regard to Jakkal: he runs a no-bs discord. He expects you to do your homework and that's why he may be short with users sometimes, but literally every single time I have had an issue or a channel is down , he does his job and makes sure it's fixed - this includes when the user makes a mistake (within reason).

1hr is kinda short but that's life. I've passed on subs before because I wasn't home when the reseller was able to activate a trial. But boom works and you get warning beforehand so just make sure you are actually able to test in that hour.


SNOWFLAKE ALERT !! Trials should be limited because of the trial whores that wants trials without any intention to buy the service I see it everyday. Lol Most services either dont have trials Or charge for trials That's because of the abuse of you snowflakes that want more than what you're entitled to Jakkal is dealing with grown folks that have no idea how iptv works So what makes him a bad reseller? Because of repeating the same shit all day to the same people becomes frustrating? Because some cheap wanker wants more than an hour trial for free? Those services dont normally offer a trial for a minute So he is affording you the courtesy of a short trial that is allotted to resellers When I get a trial and it's for a short time It's only to check for my favorite channels and buy it if the price is right