⚠️ iptvtree.com = landiptv.com = SCAM

by lobopt

⚠️ Beware that iptvtree.com = landiptv.com

Landiptv.com closed several months ago leaving many resellers to dry... you've been warned!


Are you sure ! landiptv took my money few months ago which pushed me to find a new provider which am pretty happy with ( streamsflix ) but the the end never heard back from landiptv ! by the way landiptv sounds a scam as well , on there website ( Need help? Call our award-winning support team 24/7: Chat online ) lol ! which award ??? FBI ?lol


I have become a victim of iptvtree.com . they lie about restream channel, before subscribe they tell me. have all channel.. but after subscribe some of channel that i need dont have.. ask for refund.. look like chatting with wood