Avoid this conman

by reasten_jkeam69

He will sell you a sub then when something is not working he will block you off the group and you are left helpless avoid him.



Had issues with this guy as well. Never purchased as my trial didn't go well but I have seen his attitude in the discord server towards people and his "customer service" is shit to say the least.


That hat? That coat? Immediate red flag.


I thought they got shut down! Been using his service the past few months, the discord server disappeared all of a sudden, tried to add him as a friend but no reply. The service got really flaky since the EPL started up, I never complained at all so don’t know why I was removed, avoid this guy!


Really ...provide emails screenshots of chat logs, something that shows he scammed you, unless you got proof...you got nothing


Show proof of what he has done otherwise it seems you're the one who is scamming.