Anyone who posts an ad in this sub gets banned

by Specific_Angle

The rules aren't that hard to follow. If you post an ad here you're banned the second I see it from now on.

Ads go in r/IPTVResellers

If you can't follow that very simple, basic and easy rule that is outlined multiple times and even warns you about before you post, you're obviously a complete dumbass and no one should be trusting you with their money or information anyway.


Why aren't you also deleting said adverts?

I can see at least 2 on the 1st page


Please make this thread sticky.


The irony that the post above is offering 50 free subscriptions lol


I sent it to the contact mods link ,am I okay to PM you direct instead then ?


This was a good read.


He has no comment


Any chance you can have a look at my PM while you're awake then please lol


So you can post ads under the guise of being reviews but not actual ads...


Specific Angle, can you advise why I've had no response to PM's? It's confusing me that my posts get auto deleted and I have to get them approved. I've tried, in vein, to send several PM's and not had a response. Also I just asked a user if they could post a review of my service and it looks like it got auto deleted as well. Does my service/name have a keyword that means it's being auto removed? I'm genuinely curious and I know you have a tough job with modding it, just trying to see what I'm doing wrong.

I advised before that I would post a reviews placeholder which you allowed, twice, but it's been some time now and I wanted to do another.