Guys don’t be fool by these people they create the same post every hour are so an they want u to introduce your self to them first then go on there website are an register before u get a free trial account be aware they are scammers! U been warned! Need screenshot of conversations pm me !

by souretv

Would be easier to spot scammers if this sub was a little more friendly with questions on services to try. At least point users to forums that discuss services. The idea that sharing a service will kill it in a few weeks so everyone is tight-lipped is humerous. Also people shitting on basic service expectations comments (hUr DuR geT CaBLe, try 20 trials, etc) is annoying too. Some people want to pay $20-25usd for a service that does daily QC checks, has a decent epg, and hires a dedicated person to do this.


That guy spams that sub like crazy. Everyone should click on Report on every post he does.


Anyone that uses emojis in their titles should be banned just for that.


He does an then want u to Introduce your self before getting a trial!!