Phuket IPTV Review Update

by Techngro

So the owner/seller of Phuket emailed me today with what I guess he thought was a threat to doxx me. The screenshot speaks for itself. I will post it in the comments. I've blocked him, so this will be the last update on this issue.

Just to point out how silly this person is, he says that I was "slagging him" and giving out personal information about him. None of which is true. Everything I said in my review was 100% factual and I posted the screenshots to prove it. And I gave out ZERO personal information about him, unless he considers his Discord username, which he freely shares with anyone who joins his server with the public invite posted on his website, as "personal" information.

In any case, I think that this should end any doubt in anyone's mind, even the people who might want $5 IPTV with Australian channels, that this is a decent person.


I presume he is a coked up Aussie living in Thailand?


Screenshot of his email:


what a CUNT.


Haha, when those cult members gonna realise that fucket doesn't fix anything, it are the Chinese from who get his panel that do the fixes.

Let's see in a week when the Chinese new year holiday starts and nobody in China works for 14 days. That's gonna be fun.

SoppilifToday at 6:48 PM

Country: Greece Device: SamsungTV SSIptv Internet type: 100 mbps Channel Name & Describe Issue: VIP GR: Nova Sports 1 wrong channel showing Nova Sports 2 VIP GR: Nova Sports 2 not working u/Phuket IPTV Please fix Nova sport 1 asap because there is a big match tonight


Can't say that I'm surprised.


I tried this service and wasn’t to thrilled about it. Deleted it and I never use my actual card info for services. I always use privacy dot com so I can generate virtual cards 👍


Oh my got, Fucket is very quiet now however he's online, HIS engineers are probably not listening, or maybe his Chinese is not up to scale.


I used his services most of the time he is online and support, but he just a bit crazy if u say anything negative about his Iptv. He is King of Drama..he went Banana on Discard..


his a british boomer that lives in north yorkshire uk


I was with his service for a while. He was an utter bastard in the discord chat. Rude to people when asking a question...I told him to calm down and not get his knickers in a twist...banned me from the group 🤣🤣