Avoid KiwiTV

by galaszki

Rehashed VCaribTV INvoke and Deploy They shutdown their old site, zeroed out all credits and started from scratch. Same guy, same customer service. Read reviews on KiwiTV app in stores and here.


Also known as Irie and Direclinks. Horrible customer service. Avoid.


if u looking for another service give us a massage


Yes being sports and also super sports that has it also


Another lie by another internet bully Mark Galaszki.


I am sure everyone has figured out the following:

  1. This customer did a chargeback when the panel went down. In fact this customer is owed nothing. We place a unique password on every panel that processed a chargeback.
  2. Of course, this customer was not a reseller. I gave him 100 credits on these conditions. a) he help me by entering VOD in the spare time. b) he advertise the product.

My response about him being selfish was because a month and almost two months had passed since he responded.

Again, you all figured out he is lying. He should be banned off Reddit.


Get lost you cocksucker.


Why don't you educate the public about the old couple that you stole from in the computer store and why you got fired.