Ambatv review

by njuf

Ambatv review


I have using this service for about a month now. My experience so far has been exceptional. It has every channel I need especially as i am a footy person. Setup and trial took just 5mins and and I will recommend this service.

I have noticed a few buffering on some channels when I sub, but it was promptly dealt with when i reported it. The channel quality is exceptional and have lots to choose from. I will advice any one to give it try on and the price is a gift. The only downside at the moment is VOD which i don,t care much but its mention that VOD will be available soon for free.


Nice first post.


VOD is where providers get fucked with copyright infringements. they should just not bother.


I am currently on a ambatv trial so far no issues


Where are the Indian channels list? Not in the website


Im on week 3 of using ambatv so far everything is good . If you actually ask for station's you don't see they will work on having it. I'm in the US an ask for 3 stations own,oxygen and a missing NBA league pass all those was added in 2days time not bad. Barely any buffering very solid i watch NBA games lastnight i got two 1sec buffers one to start off and one a few seconds in after that no issues

Live ppv EXCELLENT i thought maybe it'll buffer a few times being that it was a ppv event but no perfect only buffers like I say at intial start up an maybe a clip here and there if ever


I gave this service a try and it is not worth it at all. I have another provider whose service works flawless without buffering. With this service, the stream does not consistently stay up for more than 10 minutes on average. So many mis-labelled channels and lots of channels in International category (Indian) don't work. I am not going to renew this.


I am currently using AmbaTV and haven’t had any troubles. Their support and channel list is great.


Amba TV is Phuket TV