Usually people post reviews of seller but I'm posting a review on a threatening buyer Wullboy1 stay away from selling from him when he has ISP blocking issues!

by [deleted]



Some people aren’t happy until they’re unhappy.


Wullboy1 has consistently commented in my posts, threatening me in private message over a 1 month subscription I've supplied him. He's got ISP blocking issue, and claims that I should've got VPN protected services even though I don't know any suppliers that do, and I've never told him. I've tried messaging the mods and they've not responded so stay away from this buyer! He will abuse you, threaten you and accuse you.


You mean you won't, you're the worst kind of reseller, don't give a shit about the customer. If it won't work for him, it doesn't work & you owe him a refund. I hope he builds a case against you & puts you out of business, yur a crook, plain and simple, thief, ignorant and rude. I'm thinking about starting to harass you too, you're such a cry baby, you probably work with Rocketstreams TV, this is how they treat customers, like we're shit.


I read some of your comments, you are pretty shitty. I know one sub won't matter, but let's see what we can do about more than one asshole. You're what's wrong, I couldn't care less about him, I'm tired of cunts like you ripping hard working people off, little bit by little bit. if it doesn't work for him, it doesn't work, period & he deserves a refund. Doesn't matter why, just give it to him and move on.