I've been using miabox service for a while and would like to give my experience so far.
Overall an excellent service with 2 ips/devices (unlocked) with a really large selection. surprisingly all main channels work great with less than 200ms switching between channels. I swear it is faster than using cable. Support was willing to help at a moments notice and I was surprised that they provided a lot of backup channels during the superbowl which all worked anyway.
Channel selection:
Every country you can think off. I mainly care about english channels and they don't disappoint. It also includes almost every USA local channel. Arabic channels is a hit or miss but still very solid offering. It does contain close to a 100 country. It does have an adult section. Here is a complete list: http://channels.miabox.net
This is where they drop the ball a bit. I wish there was a way to filter out channel categories from the gecko to reduce m3u size. VOD is limited but I really don't care about it. It doesn't have catchup (support said it will roll out in 1 month)
Can't complain here. $7 only! At this price it is the cheapest out their.
For every main/popular channel; it is blazing fast with almost instant switching between channels. Other channels ranges from 1 second to 10 seconds based on how popular it is. I suspect some kind of caching is happening behind the scene. I never experienced a single drop in connection but some obscure channels don't work.
Quality ranges from 720 to 1080 and couple of UHD channels. Encoding is high quality I can tell.
Can't be beat it. Always ready to answer at moments notice. I put request for some missing channels and I will test them further in the future.
EPG is at last very solid and correct for once (compared to almost all other iptv services). I was surprised with how solid the EPG for English channels. Icons do exist for the majority of the channels but I feel it can use higher quality ones. Miabox offers its own apk based on Smarties and it is very reliable. Channel categories is a bit messy and overwhelming but any respectable application can filter those out.
Contact Details:
User: https://www.reddit.com/user/MIABOX2010
I agree with everything said by the reviewer. Miabox will be the first IPTV service I subscribe to - mostly due to the support during my trial period. I tried multiple devices and applications - with great support along the way. The channel switching is the fastest I've experienced (easily 5x faster than Directv satellite). The VOD is okay. My hope is the catchup is implemented soon - I was not promised an ETA on that.