Provider Cobra / Review

by EastsideAttac

I searched for a reliable Provider with a great amount of Channels and this for an affordable price. I found it in Cobra. The usual UK and US Channels, but also a lot of european channels from NL, former yugoslavia, poland and so on. What surprised me, that for the first 2 weeks I had no downtime on any channel I watched. First down was yesterday. I wrote to rwin01 and After less than one hour the channel was back up. EPG works fine for a lot of Channels. Only EPG for US Channels is missing.

I can recommend cobra and rwin01




Thanks for your feedback


Very pleased so far with quality of stream. Epg keeps crapping out though


Do you have any catch up?


What is the EPG url ?


There are new kids on the block that deliver more for less these days