[OPINION]Review time periods should be considered in this sub

by henbone11

I see a lot of, "So I did a 12 or 24 hour trial to blah blah blah service..." reviews here. After my time using IPTV I don't think such short time frames are even close to valid to say that a service is awesome or shitty. Every service has hiccups and if you happen to trial it on that day, you will be putting it out that a service sucks because of your very limited exposure to it. Vice versa with good experiences, even subpar services can have a good day.

I just think that very short time usage in a review should be taken with a pretty big grain of salt. And I hope that anyone reading reviews takes the time frame of the review into consideration before making a decision. The bottom line is that no service is perfect, no matter much people try to find that unicorn that never has problems.


Agree, but most 12-24h reviews here are sponsored and useless.

A review should be made after a month of service.


One month and a minimum of 3 decent paragraphs summing up the review experience.

Delete the rest.


Hard to enforce fellas. Whats to keep someone from say, I been a customer for 6 months blah blah blah. They do not have to show a receipt to prove it. Best we can do is look at post history and cull the ones that are suspicious.


While i concur that 12-24hrs is not enough time to properly assess a server, most providers do this because of other persons who tries to abuse trials. If trials were for 72hrs for example and the trial was automated, one could easily create a new email address and request another trial as soon as that one ends.

I'm a reseller and many people do this, especially on weekends. However having to create a new email address and possibly changing IP address every 12-24hrs will detour some from requesting multiple trials.


Not sure whats being proposed here. Whether you have tags or not, most people go on reviews. Whether its 1 day or 1 month, based on a review, your assessment will be made and you're highly unlilkey to go with that service even if you're aware most services do indeed have their off days. I have no time to trial every service out there and need help from others to give me a quick heads-up - I couldn't care less the time frame as long as they actually used the service.


I agree on a longer duration.

I also wished reviews were standardized and provided details on devices (e.g., Firestick), speed of internet, type of connection, price, and where they got service.


Agreed 100%. Personally what I find is a "great provider " appears, works amazingly , gets popular and then it goes down the drain.

So a 12-24 hr. "review" of a new provider means jack.

I would say 1 mth. min. but for a verified review on stability etc. should be 90 days.


Ya know what would stop all the bad reviews?

Bad service providers


I agree with you /u/henbone11

However, realistically any review that is older than a week old is outdated and invalid anyways on here.

Technically, this entire subreddit is extremely subjective and not very accurate at all anyways.

I myself have made reviews before and a week later regretted it or felt my opinion had changed.

I get why they created this sub, but people need to just try a bunch of random servers themself to see what works for them