Looked like IPTV66 was the best... WRONG Freeze, buffer, sucks Was told VOD works on NFPS, but found out it was the same crew... so NOPE! Tried IPTVSubs... Looks so so. Some freezing, vods not many and some do not work. Possible Looked at NecroIPTV, Bitcoin only.. but wants all your data??? doesnt make sense. Wanted to test PeaceCountry, but got lost in how to sign up and got a refund, but zero customer service. Got a couple more. Funny thing is I am bringing about 5-15 people with me.... so these guys are loosing alot of possible subs... doesnt make sense either. Maybe I am old fashioned that good service and customer support meant more business.
If you are a IPTV provider that has FAST tv in Canada with TSN. PM me.
If you havent already, get hold of fabiptv.com. They have just sourced a new stable provider of CA channels. Not sure if they've launched them yet.