Flawless review

by landerson07

Hi all, I've been using FabIPTV sports service for the past few weeks and I've been very happy with it. I was interested in using the service on my enigma2 box so I created bouquets and linked some of the UK channels to the epg. What I found is it would work for so long but if there was a glitch, loop, etc then the stream would freeze and I'd have to change channel up and down for it to work. Not major but a pia. On my AFTV this never happened but I really wanted to be able to utilise my enigma2 box.

By way of elimination to see of the problem was with my box I took a trial out with flawless (peace country on here but I went direct). First off their enigma2 integration is second to none. Other services try to integrate with enigma2 through various plugins or basic python scripts but none work as well as flawless.

You run a script through telnet/putty and it imports individual bouquets that when combined with epg importer gives you a full epg. I found the epg to be correct for most channels but some showed the wrong details (US channels mainly).

What was strange though is that even though it's apparent Fab and flawless use the same supplier for some channels (same G logo) I never got any of the freezing issues on my enigma2 box.

Flawless channels are better organised in that UK entertainment etc is in the correct order i.e. bbc1, bbc2 etc and the category breakdown makes sense.

The script runs every morning and adds new channels, epg data etc without any user intervention.

There are HD and SD versions of some channels so if one is down invariably the other one works.

It's not without it's faults and some channels are dark or show a different channel. A number of channels for the EPL were down but there was at least one working for each game.

The FB group is very active and responses are very quick. There is a VOD service that also works on enigma2.

Channel wise the two services are very similar and fab are adding channels daily at the moment.

Price wise fab is cheaper presently but their prices will increase next month I believe.

All in all both services are very good but I would probably have to put flawless on top because:

  1. Their enigma2 integration is top notch
  2. I don't get the freezing issues on my enigma2 box that I do with fab (this is only exclusive to enigma2)
  3. Multiple backup channels

Without enigma2 I would more than happily stick with fab but for ease of use and that polished finish flawless better suits my needs.


I've been very pleased with FAB, but I agree that the categories really need to be worked on.


I will second that flawless is pretty good


Any chance you can share how you got fab on enigma, I have a zgemma h2s and currently just took out a fab sub. Thank you


Do you happen to have a copy of the enigma2 script? I can't find it anywhere in the client area.



Hey, I have the occasional stutter/drop of quality. Anyone experiencing that? Is that normal/expected?


What's the website address, I too want to use enigma2?


Any links to flawless?


i am with fab and on zgemma h2s the us channels dont play well at all can you link me to flawless?


Absolutely nothing good to say about flawless, when it works- great.when it doesn't and you complain they terminate your account.they have a lot of problems with usa/ca channels.All those iptv services they should hire Russians, only Russians can make iptv the way it suppose to work.Most of the usa/ca UK iptv services have no websites, like come on people.